What makes a terrible leader? (And how to be a good one)

Terrible leaders can take a good team and destroy it, causing the best employees to jump ship and the remainder to lose all motivation and sink like the Titanic. But what exactly is a terrible leader and how can you avoid being one?
1. Terrible leaders think leadership comes from their position

Leadership has nothing to do one’s position, seniority or title. A business’s most senior executives are just that: senior executives. Leadership doesn’t automatically happen when you reach a certain paygrade. Hopefully you find it there but there’s no guarantee. 

2. Terrible leaders think leadership comes with certain personal attributes

It’s a common misconception that leaders are domineering, take-charge individuals like General Patton. But leadership isn’t an adjective. You don’t need to be charismatic or extroverted to be a leader. Just be your authentic true self!

3. Terrible leaders confuse leadership with management

Leadership and management aren’t synonymous. Just because you have 20 subordinates who report to you doesn’t automatically make you a leader. Managers plan, measure, monitor, coordinator, solve, hire, fire and so forth but leaders lead people and inspire them to do better. 

Now that we’ve considered all the things that make a terrible leader, what makes a good one?
1. Good leaders possess a deep sense of humility 

No one wants to follow a leader who is full of themself. That’s why the best leaders think about those they are leading and rarely about themselves. As Billy Graham once said: “The smallest package in the world is a man all wrapped up in himself.” 

2. Good leaders radiate positive energy

Just like in life, the business world is full of unexpected twists, turns and obstacles, but the best leaders never let the unexpected diminish their positive energy. It is your job as a leader to stay positive and strong in the face of uncertainty. Your people already have enough on their plate with the demands of work piled on top of their everyday lives. They don’t need the workplace sabotaged with negative energy from the top down. If you’re not radiating positive energy, how do you expect your people to? 

3. Good leaders lead by example

This one might seem self-explanatory but your would be shocked at the number of leaders that would never consider doing what they ask of those they lead. This is one of the fastest ways to lose the respect and trust of your people. After all, all of the best leaders are self-starters who live what they preach. They demand excellence from themselves before they demand the same from anyone else.

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