SA’s island of opportunity

Hawaii, Barbados and Hamilton Island have all described themselves as ‘islands of opportunity’ but I think the phrase describes somewhere much closer to home – Kangaroo Island.

We hear a lot about South Australia being a State in transition. We are leaving the ‘old’ manufacturing-based economy behind in favour of a ‘new’ economy based on our clean, green advantages and a burgeoning services sector.

However, that attractive future is rarely described in detail. But after a recent visit to Kangaroo Island after a very successful networking event discussing the challenges facing regional South Australia, I thought Australia’s fourth most recognised tourism destination actually gives an insight into that future.

Capitalising on its unique natural environment and building on an existing foundation of primary industries, Kangaroo Island really is an ‘island of opportunity’.

The Island’s potential will be achieved by investment in infrastructure, including public investment by governments, and sensible policy decisions that will produce a viable regional economy generating growth and jobs.

The tourism sector has long sustained KI but an $18 million joint investment by the State and Federal governments to extend Kingscote’s airport runway and build new freight handling facilities will underpin further growth.

The ability of larger aircraft to land will also increase the availability of timely transport to a wider range of destinations around Australia and a potential avenue for KI’s seafood and other fresh produce.

As increasing numbers of cruise ships visit the island there will be an additional demand by tourists for transport services during their short stays.

Allowing a service such as Uber X to operate in the State ideally suits such regional transport needs. It also provides employment and income opportunities for KI locals who may be currently working several jobs to generate a viable income.

Infrastructure investment could also unlock other economic opportunities. Business Kangaroo Island, which co-hosted our networking event, says forest investment manager, New Forests, has around $400 million of blue gums available for harvest over the next 20 years.

New Forests is currently exploring the feasibility of investing $25 million in the construction of a 300 metre wharf near American River to open up the forestry industry.

Business Kangaroo Island says there are $171 million of projects either approved or planned for KI over the next three to five years - with hundreds of resulting jobs.

That positive outlook for KI is not to say the Island doesn’t face many of the same challenges found elsewhere in regional Australia, including inefficient taxation, labour costs, skills shortages and bureaucratic red tape.

There are challenges to be met but Kangaroo Island is certainly heading in the right direction.

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