Ensuring the health and safety of young workers

Work health and safety is a critical issue for young people in the workplace with more than 20 per cent of all injuries on worksites occurring to workers aged 25-years-old and under.  Research shows young people have higher rates of work-related injuries than older workers (Safe Work Australia, 2013).

Business SA has developed a practical guide for businesses to implement safety systems and manage the safety of young workers.  Our guide provides ways to improve and strengthen existing safety programs in the workplace.

Worksites can use these steps to complement and expand upon health and safety priorities, adopting health and wellbeing standards alongside employee safety and operational practices.

Together with existing safety-related resources, our toolkit provides guidance and information which businesses can use to develop practical and successful programs to suit your workplace.

There are also supporting documents and fact sheets designed to be customised, as not all workplaces contain the same hazards and risks.  The guide, fact sheets and supporting documents are broken into the following three sections:
  1. Appreciate the challenges for young people and WHS in the workplace
  2. Provide a safe environment for young people in the workplace
  3. Manage specific risks young people confront
If you would like to receive a soft copy of the guide, fact sheets and supporting documentation, please contact Cindy Jackway on (08) 8300 0247 or email [email protected]

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