5 tips to achieving a better work-life balance

In today’s society, work/life balance seems to be the Holy Grail that everyone strives for, yet very few achieve. The reality of this widespread struggle begs the question – Is this concept of balance more of a hot trend, rather than an achievable resolution to stress and burnout?

These days people tend to glorify being busy so much that even our time for ‘balance’ is so overwhelmed with “relaxation” activities, that we end up exhausted.

If you want avoid burnout we suggest you follow these tips. 

1.  Give yourself permission

Enhancing your happiness and health starts with giving yourself permission to feel better, be better, and become better. This may sound simple, but this is an incredibly great challenge for some.

2.  Take control of your schedule

We actually have more control over our daily schedules than we like to believe. After we give ourselves permission to be better, we can take power over our schedule and achieve a higher state of integration. Many people find it’s too stressful to switch off from work entirely, and enjoy accessing emails at night if it means they can leave work at 5. Often having a break between leaving the office and then accessing e-mails at home will re-energise you.

3.  Have a trial period

Start with small steps by requesting a trial period of one workday from home a week, or a late morning start so you can hit a yoga class.  If this energises you, it will enhance your productivity twofold. Talk to your supervisors about a schedule that works for you. More and more businesses understand the importance of integration by allowing employees to work from home, access emails via a laptop, take a fitness class in the morning, and encourage healthy eating. For example, Virgin Australia has even established unlimited leave for their employees. Inside 80 Performance work with corporations and teach top management how to maximise their productivity through creating a better, more flexible environment for their employees (we’ve worked with GE, Credit Suisse, Shirlaws Group and stay-at-home mums alike), and can testify that corporations are changing – so start the conversation with your supervisor.

4.  Spend your “energy credits” wisely

Think of having a possible 100 maximum energy credits per day when you wake up (if you have gotten enough sleep). Once you have your energy credits, there is no overdraft facility. You need to spend these wisely. Spending time with people who zap your energy credits is a big one – time to spring clean those energy-zapping friends. Giving energy to things you can’t control will deplete your energy credits. Just focus on what you can control.

5.  Work with your natural pace

Some people have shorter attention spans; some people have longer attention spans. Some people are morning people, while others aren’t. Stop spending energy credits trying to operate in a way that’s against your natural pace, and stop trying to participate in the ‘trend’ of work/life balance if it doesn’t work for you. Once you embrace your natural pace you will use less energy credits to achieve stronger results – and automatically you’ll create more free time and strengthen your integration.

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